Thursday, October 6, 2011

Compulsory Heterosexuality.


It took me some time to read this article and fully understand what Rich is saying, but I am glad we were assigned to read it. It really opens your eyes and makes you question events/things that has happened that brings in topics such as being a lesbian. I used google a lot to help me find links and weblogs to help me analyze the text better. Most of the articles that I read said that "Compulsory Heterosexuality was a word coined by Rich in her essay.  Throughout the reading Rich suggested that heterosexuality keeps women from actualizing their full sexual and emotional capacities.

I chose to add this photo to my blog because i found a very good article on Ellen. It says that when she first started her show that she was just trying to find herself. Later when she finally "came out of the closet" and it became natational that Ellen was infact a lesbein, she was not refered to as "that lesbien, or that gay women." Things should never have come to this, and you should be able to express yourself how ever you want.

I am excited to go to class and to listen and share with everyone on our views of this topics and weather they agree or disagree with the words of Rich.

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